all postcodes in EC1M / LONDON

find any address or company within the EC1M postcode district

Postcode Area

EC / East Central London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
EC1M 4AA 8 5 51.520078 -0.101994
EC1M 4DD 5 3 51.521936 -0.103894
EC1M 4AF 1 1 51.52151 -0.102713
EC1M 4AJ 1 1 51.521418 -0.102601
EC1M 4AN 17 13 51.521146 -0.101779
EC1M 4AR 1 1 51.520763 -0.102138
EC1M 4AS 15 5 51.522188 -0.102269
EC1M 4AY 7 4 51.520321 -0.10145
EC1M 4AZ 1 0 51.520825 -0.100939
EC1M 4BF 7 7 51.521137 -0.102426
EC1M 4BG 1 0 51.521009 -0.102301
EC1M 4BH 26 26 51.520903 -0.102294
EC1M 4BJ 9 4 51.521069 -0.101999
EC1M 4BL 1 1 51.520763 -0.102138
EC1M 4BQ 1 1 51.524565 -0.112042
EC1M 4BS 1 1 51.52151 -0.102713
EC1M 4BU 21 2 51.52183 -0.102454
EC1M 4DA 1 1 51.521921 -0.102537
EC1M 4DE 4 4 51.522194 -0.103319
EC1M 4DF 6 4 51.520991 -0.101235